Sunday, December 10, 2006

By the Power of Grayskull

Well. That's it. I got my Degree. It's a Masters of Statistics.

I don't feel any different. Maybe it's one of those things that kind of sneaks up on you and you don't really realize you've passed one of life's milestones until you look back and say "hey, that was nifty." Like when I lost my virginity to a mechanical bull. Or like when Alex went back in time and brought technology to the Japanese to give them the edge over the allies in WWII. Luckily, the TimeCops caught him in the nick of time, and the allied forces won the day.
Do we have a clip from that?
....o.k. i thought we had a clip.


Anonymous said...

i eluded the time cops this time, went back and burned the clip. i also burned the clip of that occurance and broke the recording device for any future time travel endeavors including the one that may have been recording my destruction of the recording device. this is complicated. in summary, *groin kick* to mr. spcankor sore. you egg.

sprocketplug said...


Anonymous said...

kudos to you!

Ole said...

*shows up to haul him away*

Ole said...

Congratulations, Master Petey!

Anonymous said...

hilarious. hey, can i have you on call, ole, for all the times i attempt to "take care" of mr. sprangers. one of these times i'll get it right and will need to get rid of some evidence . . .

Ole said...

Done and done.

Call me anytime...and I do me anytime.

sprocketplug said...

I don't mean to sound rude, but would you two mind plotting my death somewhere other than my personal blog?
thank you.

Ole said...

You're so sensitive...sheesh.