Saturday, November 18, 2006

time frame

Well, I'm sorry to dissapoint all my Minnesota friends, but I won't be moving back as soon as I thought. I haven't been able to find a job and the stress of packing, moving, finding a job and an apartment seemed to daunting for the 2 and a half weeks I had left on my lease. So I renewed for 6 months.
I'm going to look for temporary jobs here while I keep looking for employment in MN.
Meanwhile I have a question to ask you all:

Some phrase popped into my head last night and I cannot remember the origins. Some girl was about to get into bed with some guy and he says to her, "Don't worry. I give you the 'no bone' guarantee."
I can't remember if this is an Olaf quote or a Red Wing High School quote. Can anyone help me out?




Anonymous said...

EEEE! This is one fried you are not disappointing! More time for visiting! Overuse of exclamation points!! Don't care; too excited!!!

Anonymous said...

bastard. come back to MN now or you will lose righty as well.