Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Small Victories by P.E.S.

Small Victories

I didn’t think of you yesterday.
A fact which makes me quite proud.
A small victory.
A step towards recovery from Eros’s poisoned arrow.
I didn’t think of the soft click
made by the worn metal latch
As you closed the door for the last time.
I didn’t think of the delirium
Created by your hands and searing lips
The madness and desperation with which our bodies merged.
I have been waiting for this day
The day I could write this poem.
Waiting for the macrophage of Forget to
gnaw away pieces of your tumorous love.
My patience has been rewarded,
And these words serve as a nepenthe.
A record of triumph.
A prayer made of dry grass


Saturday, November 18, 2006

time frame

Well, I'm sorry to dissapoint all my Minnesota friends, but I won't be moving back as soon as I thought. I haven't been able to find a job and the stress of packing, moving, finding a job and an apartment seemed to daunting for the 2 and a half weeks I had left on my lease. So I renewed for 6 months.
I'm going to look for temporary jobs here while I keep looking for employment in MN.
Meanwhile I have a question to ask you all:

Some phrase popped into my head last night and I cannot remember the origins. Some girl was about to get into bed with some guy and he says to her, "Don't worry. I give you the 'no bone' guarantee."
I can't remember if this is an Olaf quote or a Red Wing High School quote. Can anyone help me out?



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

i'll give YOU a second derivative

In Stat773 we are working on different computational methods to solve integrals. Anyway, Chris Hans is lecturing away and at one point he starts to talk about stochastic processes and the like. I have never had a class in this material so I was more than a little lost. At one point I raise my hand and say:

"Are all Markov chains that have limiting distributions Ergodic by definition? ...I'm sorry, I have no idea what I just asked."

Which was funny to me and my classmates, and entirely genuine, I assure you. Perhaps I've been in school so long I can ask a fairly pertinent question without knowing what the hell I'm talking about.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

ever after

"Cinderella's Diary" by Ron Koertge, from Fever. © Red Hen Press.
Reprinted without [sic] permission

Cinderella's Diary

I miss my stepmother. What a thing to say
but it's true. The prince is so boring: four
hours to dress and then the cheering throngs.
Again. The page who holds the door is cute
enough to eat. Where is he once Mr. Charming
kisses my forehead goodnight?

Every morning I gaze out a casement window
at the hunters, dark men with blood on their
boots who joke and mount, their black trousers
straining, rough beards, callused hands, selfish,
abrupt ...

Oh, dear diary—I am lost in ever after:
Those insufferable birds, someone in every
room with a lute, the queen calling me to look
at another painting of her son, this time
holding the transparent slipper I wish
I'd never seen.