Monday, October 30, 2006

so close, yet so far away

So, Julie Legler called me today and told me that the original applicant for the teaching position at St. Olaf has decided (against all odds) to take the position, thus usurping yours truly. She told me that they could guarantee me a spot for next fall... but I think I should forgo that invitation and start looking elsewhere for gainful employment. I mean, I would love to work at Olaf, but I also would love to be able to feed myself in the months interim. Ah well.
So, here's the rub. If any of you lovely Minnesotan people hear of a job befitting a Master of Statistics please let me know.
For points of clarification:
A Master of Statistics is not uniquely qualified to

  1. wait tables
  2. sell bodily fluids for money
  3. dig ditches
  4. be a live in nanny with a british accent and a scathing wit
  5. design, build, or maintain weapons of mass destruction
  6. breed show dogs

Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

spend a couple of months living and working in ann arbor! i'm sure my boyfriend wouldn't mind if you slept on his couch... what's gainful employment in the face of that kind of offer? (also, u of mi might have stat lecturer positions or something.)

Jessica said...

no no no...none of this other-than-Minnesota nonsense! I'm sure there are ALL KINDS of things for you to do here in the Cities...or at least I know a lovely house you could probably stay at :)

Anonymous said...

i second jen's comment. since that actaully makes a majority (your vote doesn't count peter) i guess it is settled. see you in a couple of months.

a&e said...

i second jessica's comment - we need petey in MN!! :)

Alli said...

you should check iowa state, they have a pretty good statistics department here. and i think alex would really support that decision too. he really really would. :)

Anonymous said...

definitely minnesota. i'll have it no other way...


Anonymous said...

don't turn your nose to waiting tables. many a fine person waited tables while looking for statistics jobs. ernest hemmingway, for example. or jules vern. ted kennedy, richard nixon, abraham lincoln, king tut, the guy who invented maalox and karl slingsby. all professors of statistics. all waited/waiting tables.

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to get him to leave me! We want him here in Columbus. Which, by the way, is a lovely city that even Jon Stewart wants to spend time in.