Saturday, August 26, 2006

The onus of waiting

34 days 21 hours 49 minutes 06 seconds.
This is when the world will end.

Well, actually no, this is not Donnie Darko. This is the countdown to Qualifier 1. Many of you have heard of Q1 or at least of other departments prelims and the like. This is the test to end all tests. This is the test that will shade the color of my existence from here 'til kingdom come. I have been studying all summer and have become slightly burned out. My buddy, Tison, and I have taken most of this week off and it seems like an eternity. I can feel the formulas leaking from my head. I know that I need to get back on the horse, but I am so regretting this chore. May the gods of Statistics grant me serenity.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I leave tomorrow to attend (and be an usher in) Annie Rissman and Andrew Pezalla's wedding. It is looking to be an absolutely fantastic time.
I love weddings. Everyone looks so good, and everyone is so happy. People dance, drink, and carouse to their heart's content.
Maybe I'll get married some day. Is everyone free next Thursday?

O.k. I'll get married next Thursday. Mr. Gubbins, you bring the beer. Fast Eddie, you bring the chips...and my bride.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I am enjoying a rare moment of lucidity. You see, I hurt my back last Wednesday whilst playing softball. I could barely walk it hurt so much. So I went to the student health center and the nice doctor gave me muscle relaxants and tylenol-3 with codeine. together, the drugs knocked me flat on my back for the better part of four days. My back is feeling better now, though I'm still not 100%. And a pity that is, since softball playoffs start tonight. ah well.

that's the news from Columbus.

Safe journey spacefans, wherever you are.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I just finished the novel Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Lemme tell you, it was wonderful. At times it felt a bit...sloppy...but most of it was a ripping good read. Gaiman has a real gift for character writing. He also has an amazing ability to paint his fantastic worlds.

I first heard of Gaiman after watching the movie Mirrormask.

I watched this with Melissa and we both liked it so much we watched all the special features. it is there that we met neil in all his scruffy glory. he is best known for his Sandman graphic novels (i just ordered a couple off of amazon) and his handful of novels. he has received much praise from his peers and good reviews from the critics. anyway, if you're in the mood for a fun, exciting, and stunning novel or movie pick up mirrormask or neverwhere.