Monday, June 12, 2006

What would you say?

On a cool Autumn night, you are gazing up at the sky when a being suddenly appears and asks, "What can I do to make you believe that I am God?" What is your answer?


Anonymous said...

fix my knee. my surgeon thought he was god and it didn't work. so if anyone should be able to do it, i figure god has a pretty good chance.

Anonymous said...

I guess if the being could bring back my Aunt Jo- right there in front of me.. and she'd be all "Yep thats right, this is God... thanks for bringing me back" - then I'd believe it.


Anonymous said...

I'd be pretty suspicious of any being that wanted to prove it was god. I think I'd say "thanks, but no thanks."

Anonymous said...

eh, you might as well get something out of it. if someone wanted to prove to me it was god, might as well get my knee fixed. or my mom's hips. or world peace, bla bla bla. but for these comments, mine included, how could you determine whether or not the being that just "proved" that it was god was not in fact an alien with powers we on earth do not have or at least have not yet learned.

sprocketplug said...

Yeah yeah. Ed's got the ticket.
It's not a you-have-powers-give-me-a-million-dollars type thing. Rather, what could a being do to convince you that it is god? Fast Eddie brings up a great point, a super powered alien race could do a lot of things that we would consider god-like. what else could a being do to convince you???
inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

If an alien race could bring back the dead, cure our ailments, etc., we must ask ourselves: What is the difference between that being and god? That is, how do we define god? Are the above necessary and sufficient conditions to be a deity? Or is there something else that makes a being "god" rather than simply "god-like"?

Anonymous said...

Now that's a good question. I don't have an answer, sadly. Will work on it.

Anonymous said...

if a being could bring back life, that doesn't necessarily indicate god-status. to me, god created everything initially and set in motion all laws of the physical world and would explain the unexplainable. the difference between the alien being and god would be that god created that alien being. how proves that? - thus: religion, i.e. blind faith.